I love you, exactly as you are

I can’t speak for anyone else’s life experience, but personally, I fall in love with a being’s soul

I’ve fallen in love with men.
I’ve fallen in love with women
And I’ve fallen in love with people who identify somewhere in-between

-I believe that love is a connection between souls.
-I believe that we are so much more than the humans we walk around as. 
-I believe that I am an infinite energy / an infinite spirit, having a temporary human experience.

-And I believe that all of us are having a completely different life experience and are walking differing journeys…

(Though those journeys may be similar to & parallel to other people’s journeys at different moments.)

~So I don’t believe in judging anyone else’s journey….

Because I can only understand it from the outside and from my own perspective, based on my own life experiences

I just wanted to let all of my readers know, that no matter how you identify, who you love, or where you are on your journey, (that has allowed you to cross paths with mine), that you are in a safe, loving, judgement-free zone when you are around me, my family, & when you are within the Crunchy Veggie Mama Community.

~Love is love. 💕

And I love you, exactly as you are.

With Love & Light,


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