Month: June 2019

Balsamic Drizzled Basil Bruschetta (Vegan)

Balsamic Drizzled Basil Bruschetta (Vegan)

Growing-up in Southeastern Pennsylvania, summer to me has always been associated with home-grown, garden fresh, Vine-Ripened Tomatoes.  During summertime in Pennsylvania, Tomatoes are easy to grow and have an abundant yield. Often, neighbors are overhead asking one another, “Would you like any Tomatoes? I have […]

I love you, exactly as you are

I love you, exactly as you are

I can’t speak for anyone else’s life experience, but personally, I fall in love with a being’s soul.  I’ve fallen in love with men.I’ve fallen in love with women. And I’ve fallen in love with people who identify somewhere in-between…