Motivational Musings

When asking the Universe for answers, where you find them may surprise you…

When asking the Universe for answers, where you find them may surprise you…

For the last few days, I’ve been in quite the funk. I’ve been struggling with sadness, anger and resentment.And I had been navigating it as I have successfully done so in the recent past… By looking within, meditating, Socratic Questioning, and processing… (doing the inner […]

Right Place, Right Time

Right Place, Right Time

While I was taking my premeditated “morning meditative walk” with my son and my rescue pitbull, Penny, today, we stumbled-upon two off-leash, un-tagged dogs roaming around our neighborhood. This got me thinking about being in the “right place at the right time.” If I hadn’t […]

Everyone was so self conscious, and I wondered, why? But then I saw myself mirrored in their eyes.

Everyone was so self conscious, and I wondered, why? But then I saw myself mirrored in their eyes.

This week has been extremely eye-opening. I was recently asked to be the copyeditor for my company’s blog and along with that came the request for headshots to be taken of all the blog writers. It felt great to dust-off my rusty photography skills & […]

After my daughter died, this thought is what inspires me to continue to paint the canvas and to honor the time she was here …

After my daughter died, this thought is what inspires me to continue to paint the canvas and to honor the time she was here …

I woke up early that morning and couldn’t fall back to sleep. My thoughts had been in a very dark place and I needed to remind myself that there’s a reason to keep getting out of bed in the morning. So I drove to the […]